Friday, February 25, 2011


Personally, I have never been on one side of the spectrum or the other, which I have realized lately, is my position on a lot of subjects. I’m not sure if this sort of stance is a good or bad thing, but somewhere in the middle is where I lie, in the “grey area” as someone once called it.

I am not a huge fan of the ‘tattoos all over the body’ look, but one or two are not such an awful sight when strategically placed. The largest validation factor for me is the meaning of the tattoo because let’s be honest they are pretty permanent. I believe something you are getting basically branded on your body should have some serious significance or story tied to it and hopefully one that, as a constant reminder, will bring a smile or positive impact towards you.

The reason I bring up the subject is I might be getting one in the near future. I made a little pact with myself and current teammates that if we were to win it all this year that I would honor such an accomplishment with an itsy bitsy teeny tiny tattoo. Now in my defense to those of you I know that are not thrilled with the idea, I have given it serious thought and it would be representative of more then just winning, this year has been a great one in my life for various reasons.

If we were to win, it would no doubt be the ‘cherry on top’ of my volleyball career from age 12 to 24. It would remind me of the first day of varsity high school volleyball my sophomore year, when I came home crying telling my parents I would never play again. Then agreeing to stick out the week and decide later if I felt the same way, best choice I ever made in high school. It would remind me of my dreams of college volleyball almost slipping away as I went down on the soccer field my senior year. Next, how my prayers were answered with a whirl wind summer following graduation and being given the opportunity of a lifetime to wear Texas across my back. It would symbolize the crazy ups and downs that brought me to this amazing moment in my life. It would be my first ‘national championship,’ which I could not be more grateful for.

My thoughts so far are a single tulip on my foot (hence the choice of pictures). In the end, I pray daily we will win it all, but it does not make me any less nervous about that needle of color. I’ve never really been one for needles.

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