Saturday, March 03, 2012

Crazy fun in Crema, Italia

Oh how I adore Italy. Doesn't matter where I go or for how little time, I always leave feeling rejuvenated and full of love! Maybe that is more like stuffed with the best food, but it sure feels like love. 

This February I was fortunate enough to have a 4 day weekend prior to my 25th birthday and lucky me I know some peeps down south. I went on a journey to Crema, Italy to see the lovely miss Lauren Paolini. She is playing volleyball in Crema which is located just outside of Milan. 

It is always good to catch up with old friends and get a familiar hug from an old teammate. It doesn't hurt that Pao is always the best host of all time! 

Her little city of Crema is a place I would have never thought to go had she not been living there and it is indeed a hidden gem. The cute little town is so full of character, yummy pasta and no shortage of gelato shops. Her team was so nice & welcoming as I crashed one of their lunches at their sponsor restaurant (pic below). It was another one of those "I would never think this place is here" moments. Had I not been with Pao to lead me down some back alley to this gorgeous secret meeting place, I would have never been able to share its yumminess with Kate & Andy a couple days later. 

The first day I was provoked by her coach to participate a little in practice and had forgotten what it is like to play with giants who hit like guys. Don't worry I came out unscathed and smiling! The next day I rode Pao's bike around town and it reminded me a little of my days last year riding bikes in the Netherlands (*Miss you Jolene!). I have the luckiest life! 

Here are a few pictures from the trip:
 (first 2 days only... check next Blog about Milan with Kate & Andy for more pics)

My train ticket to Milano on platform 3 in Lausanne... excited! 

2 hour nap on the 3+ hour trip to Milan, woke up in Italy to this view from the train window... already in love again! 

 Trip to the grocery store with Pao = I found Italy's version of Walmart and a heavenly section of yummy carbs! 

 Longhorns in Italy! So thankful that our paths crossed in Texas and continue to cross all over the world! 

 Entrance to the main center of Crema... Carnival season (like Halloween)

 Botero... Crema volleyball sponsor... Best food of the trip! I go back for seconds in the next blog

Main street of Crema... Italy never fails to put a smile on my face with the colorful buildings and adventures hidden down each street 

 Couldn't pass up some gelato... it is pretty much a must have daily in these parts! Like my Italian vitamin regiment... I highly recommend it! 

Thanks for reading! Missing you all, but soaking up the adventures! 

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