Some of you may know the amazing Chans Larsen Hall. Well, if you don't, he turned 18 this month and I cannot believe it. I remember the day my mom yelled for me to "grab the baby bag" and when I asked "why?" she simply informed me we were going to see my new baby brother. I was so excited and so completely annoyed when night fell without his arrival. Yep, he decided to take his sweet time and I was forced to spend the night at grandma's house with promises that I would be promptly informed when he showed up. I saw him for breakfast!
I remember the day the tables turned. It was in my senior year of high school when he clocked me one for the first time. I instantly came to the realization that I couldn't bully him like I had in the past. He suddenly could now hold his own, even though he did immediately run in fear and lock himself in the bathroom. I love him regardless and I'm sure I had it coming, as I had mastered the "I'm just looking at him" teasing method a long time prior.
He is far from a baby anymore. He can now pass as a legal adult and he definitely looks the part. He is turning out to be smarter and more athletic than I ever was. He is proving himself in football, basketball and golf. The kid has got brains too. He could actually be done with a year of college credits come his high school graduation in 2012. I'm a proud sister if you couldn't tell.
He is working hard in the Texas heat as I write this. I got an update from my proud father that his one an only boy scored a touch down in practice this afternoon. Dad is out in Texas to catch his "friday night lights" game this week and I wish so badly that I was there to join in the cheer-fest. No worries though, I will be there come October! And yet again I will take such pleasure in my attempts to embarrass him.
I cannot wait to see the man he will become!
Love you Chansy pants! xoxo
Praying for Panther health and victory!
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